Where To Obtain a Birth Certificate
Born in Connecticut
All people born in the state of Connecticut can obtain a certified copy of their birth certificate, by contacting the Connecticut State Department of Public Health-Vital Records Office: https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Vital-Records/Birth-Certificates
or birth certificates are also obtainable from the vital records office in the city or town where the birth took place, the town of the mother’s residence at the time of the birth, or requests can be ordered online via VitalChek. VitalChek is the only third-party vendor approved by CT DPH to accept vital record orders.
Visit the website for information on:
Who Can Request a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate?
How Much Does a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate Cost?
How Do I Request a Birth Certificate?
Application to Request a Birth Certificate, and other pertinent information
Born Outside of Connecticut
All people born outside of Connecticut must call or write the town clerk in their city or town of birth or the state Vital Records office in their home state to obtain copies of their birth certificates. For copies of birth certificates outside of Connecticut, access “Where to Write for Vital Records” on the National Center for Health Statistics website: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/w2w/index.htm
There is a $30.00 fee charged for a “State” certified copy of a birth certificate. There is a $30.00 fee for a birth certificate requested from the Vital Records office. Faster service is also available for an additional fee for requests ordered online via VitalChek.
To Find Providers in Connecticut’s Community Resources Database:
Search by service name: Records/Licenses/Permits
SOURCES: Connecticut State Department of Public Health – Vital Records Section website; “Where to Write for Vital Records” at National Center for Health Statistics website